We offer Supply & Install Services. You can always count on Air Conditioning People to fulfil all your Supply & Install needs. We use state of the art equipments and have the latest Air Conditioners available to cater to all your needs.
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At humm, we do Buy Now Pay Later a little differently. Instead of just focusing on the little joys in life, we want to allow our customers to fund whatever they need, both big and little.
This means we’ve split our product in two:
Little things for all of your purchases up to $2,000,
and Big things for those purchases over $2,000 and all the way up to $30,000
They each have their own set of rules for approval, but no matter what, we never charge interest – ever.
Contact Info
We offer Supply & Install Services. You can always count on Air Conditioning People to fulfil all your Supply & Install needs. We use state of the art equipments and have the latest Air Conditioners available to cater to all your needs.
Our Office Location:
6 Molyneux St Mount Gravatt 4122
© Air Conditioning Solutions 2019 • 6 Molyneux St Mount Gravatt 4122 • Tel: 07 3186 0778 • Handcrafted with love by CODEDB.NET